Monday, June 13, 2011

New Cartridges

So last week I did a little on-line shopping.  I found a good deal on some Imagine cartridges.  I purchased Ancestry which is just colors and patterns.  I purchased Better Together which is a full art cartridge with some really cute graphics of things that "go together".  But my MOST favorite purchase is the Teresa Collins Baby Boutique cartridge.  We have been teased with this cartridge since April and I have been SO anxious for it to hit the market.  I haven't played with it yet because AngelCakes is visiting for a few days, but I plan to have some serious fun with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you'll have some fun soon with the new Cricut Imagine cartridges. I recently bought some new Cricut Lite cartridges online WalMart bundle $60 with free shipping to local store for pickup. Also Cricut Rewards are double for Cricut Lite cartridges till end of Jun which I entered. With pts I have I can get Father's Day cartridge but have decided to wait.
