Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Long Weekend Ahead.....YAY!!!!

I'm so excited to have a 4-day weekend ahead.  It has been a long time since I've had one of these.

So what is everyone planning to do for your Holiday weekend?  Crafting?
I'm hoping to sew a little outfit for AngelCakes.  I purchased the material and cut it out a while back, but it requires elastic in the little diaper cover, and I've been putting it off because those precious chunky little legs just keep on growing!   But if I don't make it soon, she will outgrow it before I sew the first stitch.  I'll post a picture if I manage to finish it.

We are also going to have the kids over for a cookout on Sunday.  On Monday we will have our traditional
"Boxer Popsicle Fest" to celebrate the 4th.  Every year on the 4th, we give each of the Boxers a popsicle.  They love it; however sometimes the popsicles don't sit too well on their tummies.  So we only have this very special treat once each year. 

Other than that, I'm hoping to sleep and work on my scrapbooks and just enjoy a 4-day weekend without having to think about work!  


  1. We don't have any special plans. One day when you're retired every day will be a holiday or weekend. ;) Actually our friends from SC will be over this way and I'd like to meet up with them for lunch one day at least but other then that...just a nice quiet weekend! :)

  2. Yah retirement is just around the corner for me. My last day at Hallmark is Thurs 6/30. Barbeque & time in the pool for us here in Central TX with temps 100+.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"
