Thursday, June 23, 2011

If it's not one' your Boxer

My goodness, that crazy dark cloud over my head won't seem to move right now!   It has just been the most unique year so far for me.  Of course, the most amazingly wonderful thing happened - AngelCakes.  But there has been a lot of not so great stuff going on as well.  Nothing horrible, just stuff that makes you NOT smile.    The latest is my Boxer, Miss Baylee.  She is getting really old - not sure of her age since she came to use as a rescue, but we are guessing nine or ten years old at least.  She has some "old lady disorders" such as incontinence and arthritis which we we have been dealing with.  I will say that the incontinence is getting really, really bad.  Then last week she came in and was tracking a little blood on her paw.  It looked like she had a little cut on the pad of her foot. So we have been soaking it in peroxide and keeping it bandaged for a week because every time we take the bandage off, it starts bleeding again.  It looked bad last night and really weird, so I decided to take her to the vet right after work today.  Unfortunately it isn't a cut; it is a tumor that is rupturing.  Boxers are very prone to tumors with many being cancerous.  She will undergo surgery tomorrow to remove it.  Hopefully it will be benign.  The vet is also going to run some more tests to see if there is a medical reason for the incontinence (we've already had many tests run) and if everything looks good, she will be placed on medication.  But, I love, love, LOVE my Miss Baylee.  She has been my good friend for many years now and we will do whatever we can for her.    Needless to say, I'm not getting much crafting done around here there days.  Like I said, if it's not one thing (or ten things), it's your Boxer!


  1. Did not know I could be sad & glad at same time. Sad for you & Bailey with what you're going thru with Bailey's illnesses and glad for a cute photo of Bailey. Pets are family. Found out today that a friend's dog, a German Shepherd, died 3 mths of its 11th b'day. Take care.

  2. sorry to hear about Miss Baylee. That's just awful and I know you are heartsick about your baby. Hopefully she will come through this just fine and be back to her old self very quickly.
