Sunday, April 17, 2011

Potato Chip Scarf

I knitted this scarf as a gift for a friend.  The pattern is super simple, but you have to keep a really good count on your rows.  I love the way it spirals.  

I have found that YouTube is a great resource for learning certain stitchtes.  I didn't even know what m1 stood for, so I googled it and found that it means "make one".  Then I went on YouTube and found several video resources which helped.

Also, if you google "free knitting patterns" you will find numerous free patterns that can be downloaded and/or printed. 


  1. That is so cool! I love the spiral design!!

  2. It is beautiful! How cool!!! I love that twisty pattern! You're getting good at this knitting thing, girl....

  3. This has a wonderful rainbow of colors.
