Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well - The "Wal-Mart Man" has finally retired!   My husband had to have an implant in the very front of his mouth.  Because it was a front tooth, I made him get a "flipper" (which is a removable temporary), but unfortunately, he was AWFUL about actually wearing this flipper.  Everytime I turned around he was smiling with no tooth and it was just horrible!   And worst of all, he had a lisp without the flipper.  He tends to mumble anyway, so he mumbled with a lisp.  I dubbed him the "Wal-Mart Man" but even that didn't shame him into remembering the flipper.  So, finally, after over six months of prep work, his permanent implant is in place!!!   Buh-bye Wal-Mart Man!!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wal-Mart it! I thought I saw him moonlighting at the Waffle House...HAHA!
    Glad to see he's toothy again!
